Sunday 10 April 2011

L.A, I've been here quite a few times now and never really bonded with it, this trip is no different, I don't know why, Its just not my kinda town.
Today we played "Walking in the sand" on the Jay Leno show, twas very good and is prob on youtube already. Met Gary Busey who is as barmy as a box of wigs and shook Jay Leno's hand who nearly took me eye out with his chin.
Straight after recording that We went to the Elray Theatre as we had our own gig with Imelda, It was the best gig of the tour, really great fun to let off steam and run through our set, Satan's Angel was there and even got onstage and danced with us!
another surprise attendee was British 50s pinup femme fatale "Sabrina" It was fantastic to meet her and hear some celeb stories!
It was a great night and the Band were on fire!

1 comment:

  1. The Leno show was well n truly owned. What a fab performance that was and can we please have 1 more Candy Box Please and with Satans Angel again
