Soundwizard-Santa Trev and Lol the hardest working Elf in showbiz!
What can I say? Dublin was surreal!
Thursday, 22 December 2011
Wooo-Hooo Christmas is coming, next stop Dublin to 24'000 Imelda May fans at the O2 Arena!
Oooh, what a week! Went to London to rehearse Jools Hollands Hootenanny then got a private jet on Imelda May Hairlines to Paris for a TV show with Vigo Mortesen - I know, a Private Jet! - Oooh look at me Mr La-De-Da, sounds nice doesn't it and it was going there but on the way back we hit a very bad shit-storm which nearlly farted us from the skies, I almost upchucked my caviar and baby deer sandwich into the Champagne bucket!
Ok, it all gets a little hazy around this point,Drive back from Edinburgh to Birmingham to play Bloaters "real" Birthday party - great friends, all got more than merry x
Now Alan, you don't have to drink to have a good time y'know....
EDDIINNNBUURRRGH!!!!!! Last gig of the tour, FANTASTIC gig, on par with Glasgow this time methinks, a little after tour party ensued with me old Edinburger mate Leanne. Edinburgh still has a Tardis although it wasn't there when I went back for another snap.....
Break-neck it over to the Glasgow Academy for what happened to be pretty much the best gig of the tour, wild crowd who just love Imelda! Imelda got measured up for Ear-filters, as she stands in front of a Rawk band each night she has contracted what is known in the trade as cloth-ears,so a professional was called in and squirted a mixture of Rhino elbow skin, blood of Smurf and monkey eyelids into her ear, it sets, then the mold is sent off to ebay. I got in trouble for posting the comb-over pics so if we're quiet she might not notice this one tucked away in here.
Next stop Middlesbrough! Great night had by all and The Bloater Birthday celebrations started a day or so early with a suprise Bus Party where he got jammed in the door, also there's a pic of some of our Sneaky Freak Bloggers and the 3 generations of Mickey Downey!