Sunday, 13 March 2011

Well back in Melbourne now, we have just done Womadelaide festival, It was exceptional, and apparently - so the promoter told us that we had the largest crowd that had ever graced the Stage 3 field, but me being British and always sceptical of people in authority thought that he was probably talking out of his arse, Twas a fabby old gig though!
We then played Golden Plains festival, a couple of hours outside Melbourne, This was also a great festival,Really great "up for it" audience, They have a tradition where if they like the act they all take one shoe off and wave it in the air whilst they dance about, we were well liked and it was like that scene from Life of Brian (The Shoe Scene) Thousands of people waving one shoe at you is unnerving! Unfortunately it was the only Gig where I have left my camera in the dressing room! what a nob!The toilets were beyond the vilest I've ever had to use, they were having a cricket/cockroach problem which made the walls look like they were moving - euewww!
We then hightailed it back to our Hotel where Coff, Trev and myself went out and celebrated the end of the Australian tour - Sloshed.
We now await the pickup for the Plane home.


  1. Hi Imelda... I LURVED your Womadelaide Stage 3 gig!!! I was in that crowd (quite a way back shakkin my booty shamelessly & joined in with clapping, singing, etc...) I had heard u on "Local radio ABC interview" the week before and had GRAPE expectations (like Charles Dickens, but in Adelaide they have lots of wine...) ANYway... you were my Highlight and it wasn't just 'cause I could keep sight of the streak in your hair to ensure I didn't fall over each time I span around (ballet dancer, like...) now I am exaggerating a little bit ;) but you guys rocked ol' rAdelaide to a delicious extent!!

  2. Check out photos of your WOMAdelaide 2011 show here

    Imelda May live in WOMADelaide 2011!
