Monday, 31 January 2011

Forget that! here I am with DAWN FRENCH!!!!!!!

Well here we are in Vicar street dressing room and Imelda has recieved some great news, She has reached number 7 in the UK Album charts! also in the UK the Album has gone Gold! It doesn't stop there though does it!!!! NO!!! IN IRELAND SHE'S GONE BLOODY TRIPLE PLATINUM!!!!!!!!
Here she is with her award that she were awarded to her, time to move some of those David Cassidy posters off her bedroom walls me thinks, make some room Melly Melster!
Congratitudes xxxx
Right so where are we, it must be around 31st/32nd Jan, anyhoo landed in Dublin last night, and believe it or not I had an early night, I've acquired a perforated eardrum you see, so I've been off the Grogg and oilies for best part of..lets see...15 days 11 hours and 28 min.
I regard Dublin as my step-home, not my real home but my step-home, I love it here and find it very relaxing, we have 2 sold out nights at Vicar Street starting tonight, should be fun although I'm a tad worried about my deafness!
Here is a pic of my favourite drinking hole in Dublin - Bruxelles, They serve the finest Irish coffee I've ever tasted, honest,

Its a must if you're visiting, Its also the place where Imelda started out when she was about 15 way back in the late 90s....ahem.
Lovely statue of Phil Lynott outside Bruxelles - and so there should be!

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Ok, I know, I know, Its been too long,I'm sorry ok, some of us have lives.
Anyway you'll be extremely happy to know that the Blog will be starting up proper again around around 29th/30th Jan - so take a peek, I'm toying with doing the twitter thingy too but not sure yet.